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Laboratories & Workshops

We offer you various labs and workshops in which you can playfully try yourself out on and behind the stage. While the workshops offer you the opportunity to get a taste of different areas of theater work, in the labs we work together to create a play that will be performed in front of an audience. The rehearsals of the labs take place at least once a week and include intensive rehearsal blocks. Participation is free of charge.

Black light theater

Children's theater course For children between the ages of six and nine

Next activity on Mon 10.03.

Weekend at the theater

For 10-12 year olds // free of charge

Next activity on Sat 22.03.

Für 10-14-jährige // kostenlos

For 10-14-year-olds // free of charge

Next activity on Sat 03.05.

My text on the stage

Creative writing & scenic play
For 12-14 year olds // free of charge

Next activity on Sat 20.09.

Lab I

15 young people from Lab I have been developing a new play entitled "Trick or treat" since January 2024: It's October. Halloween is just around the corner again. High season for all scary characters as they prepare to spread fear and terror. The supreme discipline: making people scream. Everyone has their own method. But the sinister world is upside down: the scary characters no longer want to fulfill expectations. They are always expected to show their worst side. But how do you free yourself from the expectations of others?

Premiere: Sat, 02.11.24 at 7 pm

Directed by: Sarah Kranenpoot



Lab II

Lab II is aimed at young people between the ages of 15 and 20. This season there are 2 labs in this age group.

One group in Lab II is working on the topic of "Letters", while the second group is working on the novel "Die Verwirrungen des Zögling Törless" by Robert Musil.

Both groups are already in the rehearsal process and unfortunately cannot accept any new participants.

If you are interested in acting and would like to become part of the Junges Theater, please contact Julia Meschede Julia.Meschede [​at​] Theater-an-der-ruhr.de



Lab III is looking for new members.

The program is aimed at people between the ages of 20 and 24. 
The group is led by theater pedagogue Bernhard Deutsch.

You can get to know us in two taster workshops:

Wednesday, 21.8. 19:00 -21:00 
Wednesday, 28.8. 19:00 - 21:00.
Location: Rehearsal stage 1 
Ruhrorter Straße 108- 110
45478 Mülheim an Ruhr

Please bring comfortable clothes and sports shoes.

From Wednesday, 04.09. 2024 19:00 - 21:00 we will start working on a new play on the theme " Mystery". 
Rehearsals will then take place every Wednesday.

If you would like to become part of Labor III, please send us an email to Theaterpaedagogik [​at​] theater-an-der-ruhr.de or simply drop by on one of the dates listed above.


Open lab

For all from 16 years

For all who want to get to know the theater, in all its angles and facets. Pure theater air! Here you can participate in everything from joint visits to plays/conversations with theater experts to exciting acting courses and creative workshops in make-up and costume. The individual dates with topics are always announced early among the course participants. This course is open and you can join at any time.

Direction & Registration: Julia Meschede


Are you interested in our theater workshops? For current workshop dates and further information, please contact our contact persons.

Plays form the labs

Labor I: Ein (neues) Drama

A film project for the love of theater

Der Sandmann

E.T.A. Hoffmann

Mario und der Zauberer

After Thomas Mann


Lab I: Happy Town
Wenn das Glück am schlafen ist

A play development of Junges Theater an der Ruhr


Film-Lab: Risperdal

A dark coming-of-age thriller

Sweet instead of sour

Labor I
A piece development