Since its founding, international exchange and collaborations have been part of Theater an der Ruhr's program. We believe in the universal power of the language of theater, which makes dialogue with other cultures possible and unique. Continuity and partnership are the most important features of Theater an der Ruhr's national and international theater work.
Collective Ma´louba
In its theater productions, Collective Ma'louba questions the political and social constitution of the Arab and European world against the backdrop of recent social changes. Other artistic projects of thematic relevance, such as installations, concerts, readings and workshops, accompany the productions.
These will be shown in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and abroad, creating transnational spaces of encounter.
The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Series and projects
Scene Istanbul
Scene Istanbul, this series of events offers Turkish-speaking and German audiences performances from the theater city of Istanbul, most of which deal with socio-political issues. After the performances there is the possibility to discuss with the Istanbul ensembles.
In cooperation with the NRW KULTURsekretariat and the Pumpenhaus Münster, the Klanglandschaft series regularly presents world music concerts.