Das tapfere Schneiderlein
Gebrüder Grimm
A tailor is getting too cramped in his little room and so he goes out into the world. There he experiences all kinds of adventures with giants, a wild boar and a unicorn. In the end, he even acquires a princess and half a kingdom!
Maria Neumann develops a furious scenario together with the children. She is musically supported by Elisa Kühnl.
from the age of 4 up
Location: Volxbühne, Adolfstr. 89A, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Tickets at 0208-599 01 47 or by e-mail to sarah.kranenpoot [at] theater-an-der-ruhr.de
1 hour
In the VolXbühne
Adolfstr. 89A
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr
- Bekim Aliji
- Elisa Kühnl