I, Antonin Artaud - The Wild Harlequin
Nach Louis-François Delisle de la Drevetière (German premiere)
Translation and Editing: Leopold von Verschuer
Antonin Artaud appears here as director and performer of a play, that confronts him in the intoxication of the early 18th century. Among the Tarahumaras in Mexico, for him a people of born philosophers, a few years earlier, before he was forced to make the journey through various psychiatric psychiatric hospitals.
In 1704, the "Dialogues of the Baron de Lahontan with a Savage in America" was published in France in 1704. was widely received in its time and served as an inspiration for the the commedia dell'arte play "The Wild Harlequin", first performed in 1721 at the Comédie Italienne in Paris.
The "Wild Harlequin" reacts directly to the Europeans who are corsetted Europeans, whose idea of freedom has long been freedom had long since been suffocated by that of property. This play, unknown today, is an early critique of civilization about the repression of the bourgeois world world and comedically exposes this etiquette, norms and attitudes against which Artaud would two hundred years later. Roberto Ciulli's "wild harlequin" interweaves his continued confrontation with Antonin Artaud with a forgotten success of the early Enlightenment.
With texts by: Antonin Artaud, Baron de Lahontan and Leopold von Verschuer
Theater an der Ruhr
Akazienallee 61
45478 Theater an der Ruhr
- Albert Bork
Pantalone - Dagmar Geppert
Flaminia - Bernhard Glose
Harlekin/ Antonin Artaud - Klaus Herzog
Ein Händler - Fabio Menéndez
Lelio - Maria Neumann
Mademoiselle - Steffen Reuber
Ein Jesuitenpater/ Polizist - Marie Schulte-Werning
Violetta - Joshua Zilinske
Mario / police officer
- Roberto Ciulli
Director - Elisabeth Strauß
Stage Design / Costumes - Helmut Schäfer
Dramaturgy - Adriana Kocijan
Sound Design - Jochen Jahncke
Light Design - Dijana Brnić
Assistent Director - Sihang Zhang
Internship - Suzana Schönwald
Make-up - Sylvia Dürnhöfer
Introduction "Ich Antonin Artaud - Der wilde Harlekin"
Talk with Roberto Ciulli and Helmut Schäfer.
- CBplayer 1.7.0
Die Deutsche Bühne, Martina Jacobi
"What Roberto Ciulli and the ensemble bring so powerfully to the stage works through the visual language alone"
"All of this [...] is presented on stage in such an insane and effective way [...]. Feelings want to burst out just watching"
WAZ, Jens Dirksen
"A frenzy of images, cheers and standing ovations at the Theater an der Ruhr for the premiere of the second Artaud play by the master director"
Night Critic, Martin Krumbholz
"So much dramaturgy is needed to appreciate a grandiose evening that makes theater lovers laugh their hearts out because it not only ignites intellectually (as the first evening did), but also quotes and makes use of original theatrical means, such as those so generously provided by the Commedia with its profound punchline wit"
Ruhrnachrichten, Klaus Stübler
"All in all, Roberto Ciulli shows once again how effectively he is able to create an inspiring and entertaining evening of theater with economical theatrical means and a great ensemble. Simply enchanting"