• DE

Parole Transparenz # 1 Digitale Ausbeutung

Guest at this discourse: Johannes Caspar 

Konzeption & Moderation: Ralph Hammerthaler

The bourgeois says: I have nothing to hide, so what the hell. But we shouldn't be so trusting with our data. It is used by tech companies to increase capitalist efficiency and by states for surveillance. People are becoming increasingly transparent. They can be identified, observed and manipulated through profiling, microtargeting and tracking. "Not knowing what others know about us documents our powerlessness in the digital modern age," says data protectionist and legal philosopher Johannes Caspar.

Together with him, who heads the advisory board of Transparency International Germany, we want to shed light on the world of data, discuss issues of digital exploitation and look for ways to overcome our powerlessness - just as Caspar suggested in his book "We Data Slaves".

With the "Parole Transparency" series, we are setting a counterpoint to GEHEIMNIS throughout the entire season. The transitions are fluid. Not every secret can be revealed, even if it were desirable. But we are convinced that a democratic society should have access to as much information as possible that concerns it. The fact that this is not the case is what makes it so explosive.



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Akazienallee 61
45478 Mülheim an der Ruhr