Proxemics: May I embrace?
Interactive encounter installation

Photo: mirevi
The installation Proxemics: May I Embrace? invites visitors to interact with each other, to approach and even touch each other, regardless of whether they are strangers at first.
Each participant controls an avatar through their own body movements and can thus make contact with the other avatars on the projection screen. As the avatars approach each other, new sounds, visual effects and structures are created that symbolise the emerging feeling of closeness, connection and mutual attention.
A production of the Theater an der Ruhr as part of the research project ‘Theatre of Expanded Realities’. Project partners: Mirevi (HSD) and Academy for Theatre and Digitality.
Sponsor: Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia as part of NEUE WEGE in cooperation with NRW KULTURsekretariat.
Location: Project Storage & Welcome Lounge, ground floor of Dortmunder U
Idea & concept: Chris Geiger
3D development: Patrick Nass
Sound design: Jeff Birkhoff
Consulting: Mitja Säger, Ivana Družetić-Vogel
Design support / video doc: Jenny Schuler, Leon Lösch
NEXT LEVEL – Festival für Games, interaktive Kunst und digitales Theater
Speicherstr. 17
44147 Dortmund