• DE


Heinrich von Kleist "Anyone who (...) wants to explore an exciting new reading and experience the Kleistian essence of the play in the extreme will find it in this production." (coolibri)
Bromio (UA)
das unzerstörbare leben Anagoor Ӏ Simone Derai und Marta Ciappina Start at Raffelbergpark, we walk together to Ruhrorter Str.
Clowns 2 1/2
A comic-musical venture by Roberto Ciulli and Matthias Flake
Clowns im Sturm
A comic-musical dream journey into foreign lands by Roberto Ciulli and Matthias Flake
Clowns unter Tage
A musical-comical journey under the earth by Roberto Ciulli and Matthias Flake
Das kalte Herz
After Wilhelm Hauff
Der Besuch der alten Dame
Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Der kleine Prinz
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Der Untergang der Titanic
Hans Magnus Enzensberger Eine Komödie
Die Bakchen
Die Frau vom Meer
Henrik Ibsen With Texts of Donna Haraway, Valère Novarina a.o.
Die Schmutzigen Hände
Jean-Paul Sartre
Escaping Helden\-platz (UA)
Mixed Reality Experience Nach Thomas Bernhard  
Europa oder die Träume des Dritten Reichs (UA)
Lars von Trier, Charlotte Beradt Cancelled due to illness
Germania. Römischer Komplex (UA)
Anagoor   Shortlist Berliner Theatertreffen 2023
Henrik Ibsen
Woody Allen
Heilig Abend
Daniel Kehlmann
I, Antonin Artaud - The Wild Harlequin
Nach Louis-François Delisle de la Drevetière (German premiere) Translation and Editing: Leopold von Verschuer
Ich, Antonin Artaud – Le Mômo (UA)
Based on texts by Antonin Artaud
Lot Vekemans
König Ubu # Am Königsweg
Alfred Jarry, Elfriede Jelinek
Leonce und Lena
Georg Büchner
Moby Dick. Die Jagd
Herman Melville
Michael Ende School and family play for all ages 8 and up
Shağaf / Singing Hearts (UA)
Attempt about ritual trance experiences of love
State of Euphoria (UA)
A theatrical techno party Based on motifs from Rainald Goetz' ’Rave’
The Lime Works
Based on the novel of the same title by Thomas Bernhard in a version by Philipp Preuss
Woody Allen
Unterwerfung / Gegen den Strich
Houellebecq // Huysmans
Violetter Schnee (UA)
Vladimir Sorokin
Philipp Preuss, Felix Römer
Was weg ist, ist weg? (UA)
A collective exercise in letting go of subbotnik "Farewell? It can also be very enjoyable, here it's downright artistic" (WAZ)